Tag Archives: Guest Post

A New Look And A Guest Post

Some people choose theme changes. Other people have theme changes thrust upon them.

Please Remember:

The opinions expressed are mine only. These opinions do not necessarily reflect anybody else’s opinions. I do not own, operate, manage, or represent any band, venue, or company that I talk about, unless explicitly noted.

So, it turns out that my hosting provider’s managed WordPress installer doesn’t handle updates in the same way that WordPress does. The managed system wipes out your current install with a fresh one, and if you didn’t use a child theme for your customizations…

You’re outta luck.

I suppose I could have restored a backup, but I had a complaint about the scrolling article window. I decided that I might as well take the opportunity for a refresh (and hey, was the scrolling banner really doing anything for you? I thought not.)


Remember that guest post I mentioned? Well, it’s up and readable at Schwilly Family Musicians. Carlos from Schwilly Family is great to work with, because he’s enthusiastic about making the world a better place for musical humans. You’ve gotta love that, so go take a gander at the article, as well as the rest of the site.
